Welcome to the Trademark Clearinghouse Database (TMDB) web client
The Trademark Clearinghouse Database (TMDB) system serves as the central database to provide information to Registries and Registrars supporting the Sunrise and Claims services.
The TMDB system web client enables Registries and Registrars to access the Clearinghouse Database (TMDB) system. Only Registries and Registrars that are authorised by ICANN are authorised to access the TMDB system.
As a Registry, you own a Top Level Domain (TLD) and can accept Domain Name registrations from Registrars; maintaining the central Database of Registered Domains. If you are authorized as a Registry, the TMDB web client allows you to:- Configure and test your connections with the TMDB
- Retrieve the SMD Revocation List
- Retrieve the DNL List
- Submit a LORDN File
- Retrieve a LORDN Log File
As a Registrar, you can register Domain Names with the Registry on behalf of the Registrant. If you are authorized as a Registrar, the TMDB web client allows you to:- Configure and test your connections with the TMDB
- Retrieve the SMD Revocation List
- Retrieve CNIS files
You can refer to the ICANN website (http://www.icann.org) for further details.