Welcome to the support page !

If you are a Registry Operator or ICANN-accredited registrar, please login and complete the form.

For more information and instructions on how to access the Trademark Database system, please refer to https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/about/trademark-clearinghouse/registries-registrars.

For any other inquiries, please select the User Type of Other and provide the required information below.

Contact information

Logging in will set most of these fields automatically.

Name : User Type :
?In order to efficiently handle your case, we recommend you to select the user type; otherwise, your request will enter the pool of anonymous requests.
?This is the email address where you will receive notifications regarding the case.
User Type Details:
?In order to efficiently handle your case, we recommend you provide the registration ID (IANA) if you are a Registrar or the TLD name if you are a Registry; otherwise, your request will enter the pool of anonymous requests.
(*) mandatory fields